Soldiers Affected By Global-Warming, Caused U.S. Military Actions!

Nearly 250 times, the government of the United States military has protected the commonwealth against all opponents foreign and domestic. Now it's gearing up for a fight of a different type and an adversary announced 'Climate Change'. The army precisely liberated its first extensive approach aimed at tackling the threat of global warming, the main goal get to cyberspace zero emissions by 2050. To make it happen the army laid out a 20 -page road map, it includes impelling more military vehicles electric, and training soldiers to deal with more deadly heat waves. In the report the secretary of the army writes, "the time to address climate change is now... We have a unique opportunity to improve our justification capabilities and become a more efficient force, while securing a better future".
It's seen by the united states army as a direct threat to national security both their active duty forces-out and their national guard thrusts, more and more their asked to respond in the wake of a natural disaster right here at home to help out our fellow citizens rather than you know training for a fighting operation overseas. This is becoming more and more of an issue, the army's climate strategy calls for reducing carbon emissions developing electric tactical vehicles and the rollout of microgrids at armed footings. A report from the Department of Defense late last year quote "more frequent intense and erratic extreme weather conditions caused by climate change are exacerbating existing probabilities, and creating new insurance challenges". Climate change is going to make it harder for the army to do its job because extreme hot will make training more dangerous. It is much harder to train in an environment where it's increasingly hotter or you're running into more extreme forecast. The summer have posed a threat to armies in south commonwealths like Texas, pushing the army to develop at night versus during the day. While also squandering other workarounds to ensure new recruits are better prepared to respond to extreme weather events.
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