Russia Preparing To Invade Ukraine?

The White House is warning that an Russian attack on Ukraine could begin anytime, after a huge buildup of russian units moved in near the Ukrainian border. American officials say moscow now has the capability to conduct a major military operation, perhaps will began with an air assault. Moscow has essentially enveloped its smaller neighbor with close to 130,000 armies but maintains no takeover is being planned. Meanwhile, diplomatic efforts intensified to avoid war with chairman Biden hosting a announce of world leaders. Including Boris Johnson, who said he feared for the security of Europe if there's a conflict all British nationals are now being advised to leave Ukraine. The Russians are not trying to camouflage these military exercises, their armies are conducting operations in Belarus near the Ukrainian border. The Russian defense ministry has Vladimir Putin decid to order corps into Ukraine. The U.S. Military say they simply don't know, but they believe he is in a position to do so, so they are escalating warnings. Military action could be imminent, perhaps within days. Now we can't pinpoint the day at this target and we can't pinpoint the hour, but what we can say is that there is a reliable expectation that a Russian military action would take place. Even before the conclusion of its Olympics, Boris Johnson and other European leaders affiliated an announcement urging allies to have made ready (punish economic sanctions) against Russia. It's a world war when Americans and Russians start shooting at one another. We're in a very different world than we've ever been in. President Biden warned all U.S. citizens to leave Ukraine. The administration is also withdrawing more officials from the country and that's because there is deep concern in Washington that if someone were to get killed or injured, it would then be very difficult to avoid a major increase in tensions between America and Russia. It's all about wars, currently there's armies stationed at readiness with warplanes and ships on the borders of Ukraine. American Military doesn't know whether president Putin has actually decided to invade ukraine, the reason why such horrendou alerts are emanating from here is not just to try to deter Russia but too to startle and unite European allies. The white house has not fully given up the hope of a diplomatic solution.
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